

Where would FotoDC be without the enthusiastic support of our generous sponsors? The bold vision, continued expansion and growth, and capacity to impact audiences are all directly linked to the financial and in-kind contributions of our loyal sponsors. FotoDC extends our gratitude to the following individuals, companies, foundations, and organizations:



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1050 17th Street, NW Suite 560 Washington, DC 20036 (202) 337-3686

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Copyright © FotoWeekDC Inc. All rights reserved. 2011-2013
FotoDC is funded in part by the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities, an agency supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts.
FotoDC Inc. is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing exposure for photographers and to make diverse, high-quality photography accessible
to audiences through the exhibition of inspiring and provocative images, dynamic programming, and collaborations with the local and international community.